SJH 2016-17 Building Goals!

SJH 2016-17 Building Goals!

Goal #1: Teachers will collaborate in PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES to inform classroom instructional practices.
Goal #2: Teachers will increase FORMATIVE INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES in daily practice.
Goal #3: Teachers will improve in the DIFFERENTIATION of instruction in classrooms.

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This year per a district wide attempt to communicate more efficiently we will be moving away from this Navigator blog and moving to a weekl...

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Student of the Week!

This week's Students of the Week are:

Nathan Gibson
Nominated by: Mrs. Jarvis

Nathan Gibson is a dedicated learner and strives to do his very best! He consistently performs well in all of his classes, actively seeks understanding of difficult concepts and consistently participates in classroom activities and discussions. He works diligently to maintain an A average in his course load and goes above and beyond spending many hours to get his work done correctly! Nathan demonstrates a positive attitude with a wonderfully contagious smile. He is extremely polite and considerate of others; and proactively contributes to our school as he shares his knowledge and helps others. Nathan is one of the main video announcements contributors as well as one of the go-to and behind the scenes guy for our SJHS News Crew. He is always working to produce the best live video broadcasts possible as well as a 21st Century Learner extraordinaire! Nathan’s love for learning and passion for creativeness challenges him, and others that work with him, to higher levels of learning. Other comments received about Nathan are:

Nathan is a good student!”
-“Nathan does wonderful work!”
-“Nathan is respectful, willing and able to participate. He is ready for class, always on time and always with assignments.”

-“Nathan did a lot of work to promote our Aviator Flight Fest 2015 this year!
Nathan Gibson genuinely exemplifies strong characteristics of what it takes to earn the recognition of “Student of the Week”. He is truly a wonderful asset to our school and community! Thanks Nathan for all that you do and congratulations!

Maria Hill
Nominated by: Mrs. Jenkins

Maria Hill was an immediate choice for the nomination for 7th grade Student of the Week.  Maria always gives her best effort given any task.  She works hard daily, even if the task seems difficult or overwhelming.  Maria and always gets the job done!  Maria works cooperatively with others and has a positive attitude.  Many other Junior High members had great things to say about Maria’s model student behaviors.  Those comments included:-“Works very hard and is a good role model for students around her. “-“Good choice!  She works hard, asks questions, has a desire to do well, helps others, is working on her social skills to be a good person, smiles a lot, respectful to staff.”  -“She has clearly been giving her best and it shows!”Overall, all of Maria’s teachers that she was an awesome choice!  We’ve all enjoyed having Maria this year and getting to know her! Keep up the good work!