SJH 2016-17 Building Goals!

SJH 2016-17 Building Goals!

Goal #1: Teachers will collaborate in PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES to inform classroom instructional practices.
Goal #2: Teachers will increase FORMATIVE INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES in daily practice.
Goal #3: Teachers will improve in the DIFFERENTIATION of instruction in classrooms.

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Monday, February 1, 2016

Students of the Week

This week's Students of the Week are:

Nathan Kissela
Nominated by:Mrs. Abbas-Lee

 I would like to proudly nominate Nathan Kissela for student of the week.  Nathan is hard-working, dedicated, polite, and displays the utmost amount of respect for his peers and his teachers.  He participates during class discussions, comes to class prepared, and always has a smile on his face.  
What I like most about Nathan is his genuine nature when working with others.  He is patient and kind and voluntarily helps those around him when he knows they are struggling.

Nathan is an exemplary role model for his peers, and an absolute pleasure to have in class.  It was an easy choice when selecting this week’s student of the week!  Congratulations, Nathan!

Andrew Ripberger
Nominated by: Mr. Langhorst

This week's 8th grade student of the week is Andrew (Drew) Ripberger. Drew is a quiet and diligent worker who always has an interest in learning. In World Music, Drew was ready to hear about musical styles and performers that were maybe new to him. In addition to his academic classes, Drew was a member this past fall with the Golf team.
Some of Drew's other teacher's first response when asked about student of the week was "great choice!" Other comments were: fantastic student, great work ethic, kind, respectful, and great sense of humor. One final quality stands out that Mrs. Morrow mentioned and I experienced each day at the end of the bell, Drew would say, in a heartfelt and genuine tone, "Thank You." I want to say Thank You to Drew for being a very worthy recipient of Student of the Week here at Sycamore Junior High School.