SJH 2016-17 Building Goals!

SJH 2016-17 Building Goals!

Goal #1: Teachers will collaborate in PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES to inform classroom instructional practices.
Goal #2: Teachers will increase FORMATIVE INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES in daily practice.
Goal #3: Teachers will improve in the DIFFERENTIATION of instruction in classrooms.

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New Weekly Navigator Newsletter!

This year per a district wide attempt to communicate more efficiently we will be moving away from this Navigator blog and moving to a weekl...

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

"The Change Challenge" from Fuel Up to Play

The Sycamore Jr. High Fuel Up To Play 60 is organizing a fundraiser titled, "The Change Challenge," during the week of February 8th. We are asking students to bring in their loose change to be donated to The Great American Milk Drive. This enables local food banks to pass out milk vouchers to families in need for free! The aviator bell that raises the most money wins donuts!

How can you help? We need your loose change! You can also help by donating empty, washed milk jugs to help with the collection. The milk jugs can be delivered to Mr. James in room 225. Thanks!