SJH 2016-17 Building Goals!

SJH 2016-17 Building Goals!

Goal #1: Teachers will collaborate in PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES to inform classroom instructional practices.
Goal #2: Teachers will increase FORMATIVE INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES in daily practice.
Goal #3: Teachers will improve in the DIFFERENTIATION of instruction in classrooms.

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This year per a district wide attempt to communicate more efficiently we will be moving away from this Navigator blog and moving to a weekl...

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Adopt a Senior Day- Friday, December 18th!

 Adopt a Senior Day will be held on Friday, December 18.  This is a huge community event that our school puts on and has been a wonderful tradition that has taken place for over thirty years.  Senior citizens from the community are invited to be a part of Sycamore Junior High School for a day.  Many of the senior citizens come every year to this event sponsored by the Sycamore Junior High Beta Club. 

During the day, the senior citizens enjoy the company of our Beta Club students and snacks and baked goods provided by the students.  Entertainment is provide by the Saxophone Santas from the high school, a magician, Mrs. Tom Bemmes, juggler, Ms. Jen Mott, and the Sycamore Junior High choirs.  A craft room is set up to create winter decorations for the guests to take home. 

Around noon, the Beta Club students become waitresses and waiters as they serve a delicious turkey lunch to our visitors.  Our terrific cafeteria staff provides turkey, dressing, green beans, and pumpkin pie. 

The day concludes with a performance in the auditorium by the Sycamore Singing Company to get everyone in the holiday spirit.