SJH 2016-17 Building Goals!

SJH 2016-17 Building Goals!

Goal #1: Teachers will collaborate in PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES to inform classroom instructional practices.
Goal #2: Teachers will increase FORMATIVE INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES in daily practice.
Goal #3: Teachers will improve in the DIFFERENTIATION of instruction in classrooms.

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Friday, September 25, 2015

Flight Fest Reminders for Students

SJH Students, 

I hope you are excited for your 3 day weekend.  I wanted to share a few Flight Fest reminders with you for next week.

1.  Keep selling those reverse raffle tickets.  Last day to turn them in is on Friday October 2.  Extra tickets are available in the media center. 

2. If you haven't already registered for the race, get registered!  The early registration rate goes away on September 29.  The shirts are amazing spirit wear - you won't want to miss out. 

3.  Next week is the official last chance to purchase your festival tickets.  The games are AMAZING and the prizes are even more amazing.  Tickets are $5 for 15 tickets if you purchase them through pre-sale.  The day of the event they are $5 for 10 tickets.  Tickets will be on sale in the cafeteria next week at lunch starting Tuesday.  Don't forget to buy yours!

4.  Finally, please sign up to volunteer.  If you are in a club or sport, you need to sign up to fill that spot on the sign up genius for your club or sport.  If you are not currently in a club or sport, and can volunteer for us, please choose any spot on there to sign up for and fill it.  

Your teachers and administrators are so proud of you for the work you are doing to make this day a success.  Keep up the great work for 8 more days until it is here.  If you have any questions, please email me. 

Have a safe and happy weekend, 

Mrs. Zelvy
Assistant Principal 
Sycamore Junior High School 
(513) 686-1760