SJH 2016-17 Building Goals!

SJH 2016-17 Building Goals!

Goal #1: Teachers will collaborate in PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES to inform classroom instructional practices.
Goal #2: Teachers will increase FORMATIVE INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES in daily practice.
Goal #3: Teachers will improve in the DIFFERENTIATION of instruction in classrooms.

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New Weekly Navigator Newsletter!

This year per a district wide attempt to communicate more efficiently we will be moving away from this Navigator blog and moving to a weekl...

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Need Chromebook Protection?

Get your Aves soft-sided computer sleeve for only $10!

Make check payable to "Sycamore Junior High" and write "computer sleeve" in the memo.
Mail or drop off to the school treasurer, Janice Kirschner, at the office and it will be delivered to your student!